Photo: Sidiki Dembele |
Traditional birthing attendant turned midwife Fatoumata Dio |
"I know if a child is already dead in the mother's stomach just by touching [the stomach].
"I have delivered more than 500 babies. From tears of desperation to tears of joy, I have heard and seen it all.
"The bad memories stay with me, especially when they surpass understanding. Last year I tended to a birth [that ended in] two stillborns. Two girls connected with four legs, two hands and two heads. This day, I was scared. The doctor was in training, the nurse was [out] vaccinating.
"I have delivered babies for two women who were in their 16th pregnancies. I told them about contraception pills we have here [at the clinic]. The doctor told them if they did not stop [having children] they would die.
"I have delivered babies for 16 girls between the ages of 12 and 16 who were not married.
"Two years ago, a woman in her 14th month of pregnancy woke me up at 3a.m. The entire family was crying. The woman did not stop screaming, 'I will die.' I said, 'No, God is great.' And after 30 minutes, she gave birth to a girl.
"You should have seen her laughing with the baby in her hands. I would not have ever dreamt of that scene.
"It is moral satisfaction that nourishes me in this job. The first girl I brought into this world is now 28 and has five children. When I see them, I am filled with honour and pride."
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