sábado, maio 09, 2009

Formação em Advanced Group Crisis Intervention

Está disponível mais uma formação em Portugal reconhecida pelo ICISF e ministrada pela Psicóloga Clínica Ana Isabel Cambraia.

Quem pretender ter esta ou as outras formações poderá contactar-nos através do nosso mail psicmail@gmail.com.

As formações disponíveis são dadas em português, os ppt são em português também, os manuais são em inglês:
- Assisting individuals in crisis
- Group Crisis Interventions
e agora
- Advanced Group Crisis Interventions

Estas formações além de serem dadas na Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, podem, caso haja interesse, serem dadas noutros locais.

Segue descrição do curso:

Designed to provide participants with the latest information on critical incident stress management techniques and post-trauma syndromes, the advanced group crisis intervention builds on the knowledge base which was obtained through the Group Crisis Intervention programa and/or in publications. At the conclusion of this course, participants will have been exposed to specific, proven strategies to intervene with those suffering the ill efects of their exposure to trauma. Emphasis will be on advanced defusings and debriefings in complex situations.

This course is designed for EAP, human resources and public safety personnel, mental health professionals, chaplains, emergency medical services providers, fire-fighters, physicians, police officers, nurses, dispatchers, airline personnel and disaster workes who are already traine in the critical incident stress debriefing format. It will also be useful for those working extensively with traumatized victims for various walks of life.

This course requires previous training and experience.
ICISF's "Group Crisis Intervention" should be viewed as a prerequisite.

Program Highlights

  • relevant research findings
  • managing complex group oriented crisis interventions
  • Nature and importance of incident assessment strategic intervention planning
  • Comprehensive, integrates, systematic and multi-component CISM
  • Concepts of enhanced group processes
  • Significantly delayed interventions
  • "Multiple incident CISD"
  • Suicide of a colleague
  • Small group crisis support sessions after a disaster

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