segunda-feira, abril 18, 2005

What is resilience?

Resilience is a person's ability to cope with the difficulties and stresses of life, and to emerge from them stronger than before, having learned something from the experience. The term also refers to a person's ability to return to his former situation after having experienced a lengthy period of deprivation, or stress.

Resilience is not an inborn trait. Like the body's immune system, it is affected by our mood and by the amount of help we receive from others. Also similar to our immune system, it also has high and low periods, and sometimes, during long stretches of difficult times, our natural resilience is faced with more challenges than usual.


1 comentário:

PSIC disse...

Já agora aproveito para indicar que a Climepsi lançou um livro de Psicologia de Bolso sobre a Resilência "dificuldade em ultrapassar traumatismos", com um preço banstante atractivo - 8€

Bruno Brito